Smart Tips to Increase Your Home Loan Eligibility Quickly

First, what determines your home loan eligibility?

Home loan eligibility depends on your:

- Income
- Age
- Credit history
- Pre-existing debt, etc.

Discover What You Can Do to Enhance Your Home Loan Eligibility


Tip #1
Improve Your Credit Score

Boost your credit score by paying all your credit card bills and EMIs on time.

Tip #2
Get a Co-applicant

Apply for a loan with an eligible co-borrower, as their income will also be considered while determining eligibility.

Tip #3
Opt for a Longer Tenure

Choosing a longer loan term will increase eligibility. Remember, prepayment is always an option.

Tip #4
Prepay Other Loans

Try closing existing short-term loans or consolidating them into one.

Tip #5
Declare all your incomes

Mention all side incomes like part-time jobs, rents, etc to show a higher repayment capacity.

Read our complete blog on how to increase home loan eligibility

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