
People-first organisation

Since our inception, one of our organisation's credos has been being 'people-first'. Over the years, we have evolved our human capital philosophy to continuously deliver value in an ever-changing business and workplace environment while keeping employees at the centre of its purpose.

Our HR strategy, based on our foundational values of meritocracy, equality, inclusivity and non-discrimination has helped in developing an engaging and enterprising workplace culture. Over the years, our employees have made PNB Housing Finance one of the foremost players in the housing finance sector and are real custodians of the coveted "Great Place to Work®" certification. The certification has been a testament to our efforts to establish PNB Housing Finance as one of the most preferred employer brands in the industry.



2.7 years

Average employee tenure

35 years

Average employee age

Talent attraction and induction

Our three decades plus rich legacy and unmatched brand equity serve as the key value proposition in attracting the best talent in the industry. Recruitment and onboarding are the stages where we truly differentiate ourselves from the industry. True to our 'People First' ethos, every new joiner is made a part of the PNB Housing Finance family even before they formally join the organisation. With thoughtful initiatives like planting trees dedicated to the employee as a note of welcome and regular connects with the employee and their family during the preonboarding and onboarding journey helps in their smooth assimilation into the company environment. Every employee goes through our best-inclass, structured four-day induction programme within 45 days of joining, covering various aspects of the company and its business.

Our onboarding programme was recognised as the 'Best Employee Induction Program' at the Employee Happiness Summit & Awards.

The organisation encourages diversity hiring through a unique employee referral programme, Parichay 2.0, which partners closely with employees and hiring partners to refer diverse candidates.

Building future talent

We relaunched our campus hiring programme in FY24 after a hiatus of seven years. Over 140 postgraduates were hired as Management Trainees from 14 campuses pan India out of 800+ aspirants and were placed across verticals e.g. Sales, Credit, Legal, Audit and Human Resources. Through this programme, we are developing a pipeline of future leaders with the PNB Housing DNA.


New hires in FY24


Share of women in new hires in FY24

Talent development

Building talent internally and developing future leaders remains a focus area for the organisation. Our internal job portal (IJP) programme is a robust framework to encourage employees to explore and take up new opportunities within the organisation. Our performance management process identifies high organisational performers we are developing to take up leadership roles.


High performers were given leadership roles

Performance Management: Building a high-performance Organisation

Our performance management philosophy focuses on accountability, transparency, and fairness. Employee performance is an outcome of the combination of individual and company goals. We follow a balanced scorecard approach to consider all factors of an employee’s performance while assessing performance. Employees’ goals are defined to cover all critical aspects of their job role. This ensures that performance assessment is well-rounded and that all employees align with the organisational goals. The organisation encourages open feedback and candid conversations regarding performance to inculcate a merit-based culture in the organisation.

Productivity focus

Various contest and programs are conducted round the year to ensure customer service quality and employee efficiency is at the centre of our day-to-day operations. Q-Exemplar is a monthly contest and service quality assurance programme for branch employees. The leadership team rewards and recognises topperforming branch employees across various platforms every month.

Learning and development

The learning and development function at PNB Housing is dedicated to serve as a catalyst for the organisation’s growth by enabling employees for exceptional performance. It strives to create opportunities encouraging employees in gaining knowledge, acquiring new skills, and enhancing their competencies. Improving an individual’s performance and potential enables them to stay competitive and relevant in the fast-paced and dynamic business scenario.

To ensure the effectiveness and alignment of our learning and development strategy with business goals, we establish clear learning objectives, curate personalised content, design engaging delivery methods, and implement assessment and evaluation mechanisms to track progress and effectiveness. These strategies reinforce our HR approach to enhance employee engagement, retention, and performance, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.


Learning hours


Learning hours per employee

Sales leadership programme - Parivartan

We developed an assessment-based competency development programme for our sales team to increase their productivity by focusing on critical areas of development concerning sales competencies.

Core competencies programme - Vani

A personalised communication enhancement journey which includes tailored personal coaching sessions designed to address the specific needs of individuals to develop their communication skills.

Employee recognition and motivation

Best-in-class employee well-being

Our employees' well-being is a critical enabler of our 'people-first' approach. Industry-leading health benefits for our employees, with holistic wellness options covering OPD support, health checks, 24x7 unlimited doctor consultations, diagnostics, and preventive healthcare programs help employees to take the best care of their health. The organisation also provides comprehensive insurance coverage for all employees across all grades. Group insurance facility includes group health, group personal accident and group life insurance scheme. Insurance top-up options were provided to employees for the first time to widen their insurance coverage safety net.

Human resource policies

Our robust policy framework holistically provides guidelines for employee conduct, growth, benefits, and lifecycle in the organisation, serving as a comprehensive document to guide employees during their journey in the organisation. The policies ensure that employees work in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory environment. Grievance redressal mechanisms provide them with a strong platform to resolve workplace issues.

Creating an equitable workplace

Fair compensation

The compensation philosophy at PNB Housing Finance is based on pay for performance philosophy and is a mix of fixed and variable pay in line with internal and external pay parity. The fixed pay is derived from yearly merit increases, and the variable compensation is in the form of cash and share-linked instruments based on individual and company performance. To continue building meritocracy, our share-linked instruments are aligned with individual and company performance.

Diversity and inclusion

'Aikyam', our flagship diversity, inclusion and empowerment initiative is built to celebrate our uniqueness and differences, empowering our employees and affirming their diversity and experience are the organisation’s strength. It’s a step towards our philosophy of ensuring an inclusive working environment free from discrimination at all stages of the employee lifecycle, developing plans to promote D&I principles and empowering our employees to achieve their aspirations while contributing to the success of the organisation.


Gender diversity (15.1% in FY23)

8% to 14%

Increase in female representation in senior management from FY21 to FY24

0 to 10%

Increase in female representation in top management from FY21 to FY24


Achiev-Her is a unique series, featuring our extraordinary female employees, aimed at highlighting the incredible stories of women who broke barriers and led the Company to greater heights through their contributions. This programme celebrates the journeys of these women making a difference in their personal and professional spheres, with PNB Housing as a safe and trusted companion.

Developing women leaders

Our women leaders were enrolled in a year-long journey to develop their leadership skills, cross-cultural competence and mentoring skills. This programme intends to help female employees break the glass ceiling and aim higher.

Talent retention: creating solid citizens

The organisation emphasises workforce continuity and attrition control. Our concerted efforts in constantly providing employees with an environment to thrive and perform has led to encouraging results in significantly reducing our attrition in FY24. Our attrition has shown a remarkable improvement in the last three years and is among the best in the industry in FY24.


Overall attrition in FY24 (36.1% in FY23)


Regretted attrition in FY24 (24.7% in FY23)

Employee engagement: celebrating together

We foster a culture of togetherness and celebration within our organisation, where we celebrate our special occasions and festivals. Our inclusive environment ensures that everyone feels welcomed and valued, promoting a sense of belonging and collective celebration.

To celebrate a unified spirit, we launched a monthly engagement initiative – ‘Happy Hour’, where all employees across geographies get together and have a fun-filled event with each other. We also take part in celebrating essential moments of employees’ family members. ‘Taiyari Udaan Ki’ recognises the academic success of our employees’ children.

Anchors Club

Anchors Club is dedicated to our extraordinary ambassadors who have been with the company through its toughest challenges and greatest triumphs. We recognise our solid citizens who set exemplary standards for all of us with their work ethics and dedication. Employees are recognised in various tenure categories, e.g., starting from 5 years to upto 25 years.

360 (18%)

Employees recognised as Anchors in FY24

MD's Toppers Club & MD's Star Circle

A special recognition platform embodies our gratitude and recognition for those who go above and beyond, in delivering value for the organisation. Every quarter, our top performers are felicitated by our MD & CEO, followed by a well-deserved lunch with MD & CEO where they get an opportunity to share their experiences and ideas.


Awardees in FY24