ESG focus

Pivoting towards a sustainable future

In recent times, financial institutions have increasingly recognised that their profit and loss statements are impacted by factors not traditionally captured on the balance sheet. These external factors, known as ‘sustainability/ESG’ issues, encompass economic, environmental and social dimensions. At PNB Housing, we embody the belief that ‘being responsible and mindful of our impact on both the present and future world is not only good corporate citizenship but also holds significant business value.

We revitalised our sustainability strategy to ensure a comprehensive and focused approach. This involved establishing a dedicated ESG team led by our Chief People Officer. Additionally, we conducted a materiality analysis to identify priority financial, economic, social, and environmental issues for our stakeholders and business. The purpose was to determine reporting priorities, consolidate relevant issues into strategic aspects, and develop an overarching ESG framework under Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, coined as Conserve, Respect & Practice (aligned with E, S & G). This framework is illustrated below and will be enhanced with detailed progress in our upcoming GRI report, aligning with relevant UN SDGs to demonstrate our contributions to the global sustainability agenda.

Ghar ki Baat | Pragati Prakriti ke Saath


Conserve resources and bolster climate health

ESG culture building

Strengthen governance around
sustainability and drive ‘ESG Culture’


Promote social equity and respect human dignity

ESG risk strengthening

Reinforce the core, enhance
frameworks to build ESG risks


Practice sustainability as
a way of life

Advocacy around

External and internal
capability building

Stakeholder engagement

ESG disclosures through reports

Cross-functional participation

Mindset of ownership