Embracing a culture for the future

As an advanced and developed housing finance company, we recognise the crucial role our people play in delivering exceptional cross-disciplinary service to our customers. We prioritise the well-being and interests of our employees over profitability, placing their satisfaction and growth at the forefront. By valuing and investing in our workforce, we empower them to reach their full potential, go above and beyond, and consistently provide outstanding service to our valued customers. Our commitment to our employees ensures a positive and engaging work environment, fostering a culture of excellence and customer-centricity.


Total employees


At the heart of our core values lies “People First,” which drives our dedication to fostering equal opportunities and inclusive growth. Consistent with this principle, we provided 64 internal job transfer opportunities last year, empowering our talented individuals with increased responsibilities. We prioritise thorough orientation to ensure a deep understanding of our organisational culture, products, and services. Our experienced workforce, including key leaders, brings invaluable insights gained from navigating organisational changes and cycles, enabling us to discern effective strategies.


“Aikyam”, a Sanskrit word essentially meaning Unity in Diversity, is our flagship initiative towards diversity, inclusion and empowerment. We at PNB Housing Finance are fully committed and firmly believe in diversity and inclusion, considering everyone equal. We have planned initiatives around empowering our people taking the diversity ratio higher and building an inclusive culture in our organisation.

Additionally, we have also implemented the below policies to promote diversity and inclusion in the organisation:

Gender Distribution Zone-Wise



Hazardous environment and security policy

We prioritise the provision of a secure and clean work environment as it directly influences employee productivity. At select locations, we have also implemented crèche facilities, further supporting the well-being of our employees. By maintaining a conducive work environment, we aim to enhance productivity and foster a culture of employee care and satisfaction.

Leave policy

At our Company, we are dedicated to providing our employees with the flexibility to apply for various types of leaves, including maternity and paternity leaves. We believe in equal opportunities for all employees, irrespective of their caste, creed, or religion. Our inclusive leave policy ensures that every employee has the freedom to avail themselves of the necessary leaves they require, promoting a fair and supportive work environment for everyone.

Celebrating together

We foster a culture of togetherness and celebration within our organisation, where we come together to commemorate festivals and acknowledge achievements. We embrace people from all backgrounds, encouraging them to join hands in unity and lend their grace and support to any initiative undertaken by the Company. Our inclusive environment ensures that everyone feels welcomed and valued, promoting a sense of belonging and collective celebration.

Listening culture

‘SAMPARK’ is an initiative that was launched in FY23 as part of our engagement strategy for employees. Its core objective is ‘Connect. Care. Communicate.’ is essentially about creating a culture of listening, appreciating, caring, sharing and celebrating. We believe in fostering deeper bonds with our employees, driving a collaborative work environment, having two-way communication with employees and nurturing healthy working relationships.


Our recruitment strategy focuses on leveraging HR Tech to streamline processes, reduce transactional activities, and provide a delightful onboarding experience to new joinees. We implement data-driven HR practices to enhance the employee lifecycle journey and target initiatives to retain and grow talent. By investing in technology and personalised interventions, we ensure a smooth recruitment process and create an exceptional employee experience. This was supported by initiatives like the employee referral programme and listing of open positions on the career page of our official website and LinkedIn.


Total new joiners in FY23



Our talent management strategy encompasses becoming a Great Place To Work certified organisation, implementing succession planning for critical roles, developing a coaching model for leadership development, and fostering an engaged workforce. We focus on attracting top talent, enhancing talent readiness, and building an internal leadership pipeline for future success.


We prioritised employee recognition and motivation by revamping our variable pay and incentive structures, aligning them with industry benchmarks. We effectively communicate our total rewards philosophy to boost employee motivation and appreciation, resulting in reduced attrition and the retention of key talent.

MD’s Toppers Club is a recently launched programme to recognise and reward the valuable contributions and superlative performance demonstrated by our colleagues who are putting in commendable efforts in the overall ‘growth journey’ of our organisation. 80 top-performing employees became part of this exclusive club as of FY23. Our employees are fully geared up and aspiring to be a part of this exclusive club by exceeding their milestones month on month.


The Learning and Development function is committed to acting as an enabler towards the organisation’s growth and endeavours to create opportunities that help employees in acquiring new knowledge, skills, and attitudes to improve an individual’s performance and potential by enhancing their1 competencies to remain competitive and relevant in today’s fast-paced and rapidly changing world.

Our interventions take place as formal training programmes, on-the-job learning, mentoring, coaching, and self-directed learning. The goal is to provide individuals with the tools and resources they need to achieve their career objectives and contribute to organisational success.

To ensure effectiveness and business alignment of the learning and development interventions, we set clear learning objectives, curate customised content, design engaging delivery methods, and assessment and evaluation mechanisms to measure progress and effectiveness. These interventions augment our HR strategy to improve employee engagement, retention, and performance and create a culture of continuous learning and improvement.


We have fully digitalised our HRMS system, incorporating modules for recruitment, performance management, and employee lifecycle management.

The launch of our employee selfservice payroll portal enhances accessibility and reduces manual dependency. Real-time dashboards, on-demand reports, and a user-friendly mobile app contribute to a comfortable and accessible experience for our employees.


Our HR policy and governance framework includes a revision of our HR Policy Manual, ensuring it is benchmarked to market standards. We strive to provide best-in-industry employee policies that contribute to a better employee experience. By fostering an engaged workforce we promote a positive and fulfilling work environment.


Strengthening core competencies through Vani

We have initiated a personalised communication enhancement journey called ‘Vani’. It includes tailored personal coaching sessions designed to address the specific needs of individuals, enabling them to enhance their communication skills effectively.

Establishing a self-learning culture through LinkedIn

We have introduced LinkedIn Learning, a learning platform that empowers our employees to access world-class learning content anytime, anywhere. This platform enables them to choose the skills and competencies they wish to acquire, helping them stay ahead in their careers.

Empowering women leaders with Talent Nomics India

Our women leaders have enrolled in a year-long journey to develop their leadership insights, crosscultural competence, build essential leadership competencies, and mentoring skills to enhance their leadership abilities.

Creating an adaptive environment for new-joiners through Prarambh

Our induction and orientation journey, Prarambh, is designed to help new hires quickly align with our organisation’s values, culture, and systems. It accelerates their productivity by providing a comprehensive onboarding experience.

Developing sales leaders through Parivartan

We have implemented Parivartan, an assessment-based competency development programme designed for our Sales Team. This programme aims to enhance their productivity by focusing on key sales competencies and providing targeted training and support.


Total learning hours


Average training hours per employee